Join the Deep Sea Fishing Club

Let's go Fishing! Come join us and have fun with some of the best people living in the Villages. Please download the new membership form and fill it out. Come to the next meeting with it, your Villages ID and $10.00. First Monday of every month at Everglades Recreation Center, doors open at 6:00 PM, meeting starts at: 6:30 PM.
Download the membership form; print it and bring it, your Villages ID card and your $10.00 to the next meeting. You can also get the membership form at a monthly meeting and fill it out at that time. You are not a member until you have paid your yearly dues. Current members may renew for the calendar year between Jan.1 and Mar.1 (If not paid by Mar.1, you will be dropped from the membership.)
New members and current members may send your calendar member fee by check to: The Villages DSFC
c/o Steve Newman
PO Box 277
Oxford, FL 34484
Deep Sea Fishing Club Membership Form.
Download the membership form; print it and bring it, your Villages ID card and your $10.00 to the next meeting. You can also get the membership form at a monthly meeting and fill it out at that time. You are not a member until you have paid your yearly dues. Current members may renew for the calendar year between Jan.1 and Mar.1 (If not paid by Mar.1, you will be dropped from the membership.)
New members and current members may send your calendar member fee by check to: The Villages DSFC
c/o Steve Newman
PO Box 277
Oxford, FL 34484
Deep Sea Fishing Club Membership Form.