Capt. Dustin from NSB Shark Hunters: Video from Club Meeting in Dec. 2023.
NSB Shark Hunters
Capt. Dustin Smith fishes for all varieties of sharks (depending on season) in the surf. He fishes out of New Smyrna Beach but also does trips DAYTONA BEACH | ORMOND BEACH | ST. AUGUSTINE | PORT CANAVERAL | MELBOURNE.
He has all the necessary skill, equipment and bait. He practices catch and release and has a tagging program through NOAA that tags every catch.
website: NSB Shark Hunters
FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/nsbsharkhunt/
youTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ9Nooxtdli8Vwb-9v4Y6hA
email: [email protected]
phone: (386) 235-5573
TAKE YOUR CHANCES WITH THE LEGENDS OF THE SEA. Get an adrenaline rush at one of Florida's Atlantic hotspots! NSB Shark Hunters is headquartered on the world-famous New Smyrna Beach and has locations serving Orlando, Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, St. Augustine, Port Canaveral and Melbourne. You can meet your guide at one of our locations and take your chances with the sea legends. Join us in the evening, and relax as the sun sets to your back and the moon rises on the horizon with a rod in your hands. Target different species of sharks like Bull, Hammerhead, Blacktip, Thresher, and Tiger Shark. It’s a very exciting challenge that you surely won’t forget!
Dress warmly with layers, include a rain jacket, wear boots if you like. Bring food and drink.
NSB Shark Hunters is coordinated by Dave Easthon. For booking trips through the Club please call Dave at
216-404-8242 or his email [email protected]
ALERT: You must obtain a State Shark Fishing Permit By taking a test online (it's easy), before going shark fishing. Access the permit here: myfwc.com/sharkcourse
Shark fishing trips are $225.00 for one person.
$175.00 per person for two or more.
Non fishing spectators are allowed at no charge. (Bring your own chairs and accessories)
Trips are scheduled to begin at 6 AM or 6 PM or can be flexible.
Only booking night trips
Current available club trips - Dates and availability...
Dates in white are available --
Call Dave Easthon for location and booking.
Ormond/Daytona (6 PM) weekends only
Call Dave Easthon for location and booking.
Cape Canaveral (6 PM) weekends only
Call Dave Easthon for location and booking.
Coordinator - Dave Easthon. For booking trips through the Club please call Dave at 216-404-8242 or his email [email protected].

New Smyrna (6 PM) weekends only
Call Dave Easthon for location and booking.
Current available club trips - Dates and availability...
Dates in white are available --
Call Dave Easthon for location and booking.
Coordinator - Dave Easthon. For booking trips through the Club please call Dave at 216-404-8242 or his email [email protected].
Check payments mailing address:
The Villages DSFC
c/o Steve Newman
PO Box 277
Oxford, FL 34484
Picture Gallery
The shark fishing team
The shark fishing team